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  • Traverse Theatre 10 Cambridge Street Edinburgh, Scotland, EH1 2ED United Kingdom (map)


Divergence is Freya Rae on flute, whistles and clarinet, Siannie Moodie on clarsach and Tim Lane (Hidden Orchestra) on Kit, percussion and tongue drum.

Divergence is so named because the band seeks to employ non-traditional instruments in traditionally-inspired music. These include the silver boehm system flute, the clarinet and tongue drum. Their aim is to encourage inclusivity, progression and acceptance.

The trio take Freya's own melodies and twist them into sets and riffs, giving them a zest for life that is delightfully infectious.

In Traverse Two.

Tickets: £15.50/£13 each

Doors open: 6:15pm | Music starts: 6.30pm (one hour show)

Tickets may also be booked via phone. Call the box office team on 0131 228 1404