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Pibroch masterclass with Allan Macdonald

  • Traverse Theatre 10 Cambridge Street Edinburgh, Scotland, EH1 2ED United Kingdom (map)


A leading light in the Gaelic musical scene, Allan MacDonald is in demand internationally as a composer, musical director, piper, singer, workshop leader, and lecturer on Gaelic music, so we are delighted that he will be joining us for this masterclass.

Allan will talk about the relationship between pibroch, the Gaelic court music and Gaelic song. Going back to pibroch's origins, when it was a functional music transmitted aurally, he will discuss how it morphed into an ‘art music’ style that has left it floundering on a restricted competition stage. Allan himself has many years of experience as a player, composer and academic (with an MLitt thesis on this very subject), not to mention many of the major piping awards.

There will be demonstrations throughout and a relaxed atmosphere where attendees may ask questions. This masterclass is essentially non-participatory though Allan may get everyone singing along. 

In Traverse Two

Tickets: £25/£18/£15 + eventbrite booking fee

All levels.

Event starts: 11am (90 minutes)

Earlier Event: May 10
Storytelling for Musicians